


更新:2023-07-09 23:15
Put your cigarette out, you know I hate those
把你的烟灭了吧 你明知我不喜欢
I hate how you left the bad taste in my mouth
I believed what I wanted to see in you
And it's true now the truth's coming out
对未来的追求 然而世事不尽人意
There's a ghost in my bed
我脑中一片混乱 无法入眠
Should've known what to expect
也许早该知道 不该期待过多
But you, you could tell me I'm different
但你啊 你总说我和别人不一样
If it ends the same, what's the difference?
但逃不开这样的结局 又和他人有何区别
Lie to me, make it seem better than it ever was
谎言相向 营造着一切安好的假象
Ooh, I should really use my head
我也许早该动动脑子 好好想想
I should really use my head 'stead of thinking with my chest, yeah
Ooh, I was dying to connect
此刻的我 只想和你坚持下去
Gave me 85%, only 85%, yeah
你不用全心投入 只需给我85%的你
Ooh, yeah, yeah
We dive into things head first
Hoping for something more than we knew we could be
强求太多 直到超出了我们的极限
You didn't have any cruel intentions
I thought I mentioned I want more than you
我想你也知道 有时我对爱情要求过甚
There's a ghost in my bed
我脑中一片混乱 无法入眠
Guess it's nobody's fault in the end
爱情走向终点 也不是任何一个人的错
You lied to me, you could tell me I'm different
If it ends the same, what's the difference?
但逃不开这样的结局 又和他人有何区别
Lie to me, make it seem better than it ever was
谎言相向 营造着一切安好的假象
Ooh, I should really use my head
我也许早该动动脑子 好好想想
I should really use my head 'stead of thinking with my chest, yeah
Ooh, I was dying to connect
此刻的我 只想和你坚持下去
Gave me 85%, only 85%, yeah
你不用全心投入 只需给我85%的你
There's a ghost in my bed
我脑中一片混乱 无法入眠
Should've known what to expect
也许早该知道 不该期待过多
Ooh, I was dying to connect
此刻的我 只想和你坚持下去
Gave me 85%, only 85%, yeah
你不用全心投入 只需给我85%的你
It's a challenge
Tryna find the balance between love and lust
All we got was lost when I really thought we had it
当我们自以为掌握了一切时 其实早已一无所得
Feelings fade and people change and things they fall apart
情感终会消褪 世事无常 人们也会改变
But that doesn't mean I don't believe in speaking from the heart
但这不意味着 我不会遵从内心的想法
You see, you're more like Coca, I'm more like Pepsi
你也明白 我们就像可口和百事 看似针锋相对实则是同一种人
I just hope that you don't forget me
It wasn't right the way you left me
你的离开 让你我都不好受
Heartbreak Hotel always depress me
Could you give me just a little bit more?
你能不能回到我身边 即使我会更加受伤
Should've known what I was asking for
我早该知道 我对你要求过多
We met as friends, we'll land as friends
以朋友的身份相识 最终还是只能做回朋友
We will be till we die, right?
这在我们的生命里 也许一直都会发生吧
But if you start to miss me, I don't like to be alone
但如果你开始有点想我了 我也不想独身一人
So if you wanna try again you better let me know
如果你想和我再试一次 请你马上让我清楚
Ooh, I should really use my head
我也许早该动动脑子 好好想想
I should really use my head 'stead of thinking with my chest, yeah
Ooh, I was dying to connect
此刻的我 只想和你坚持下去
Gave me 85%, only 85%, yeah
你不用全心投入 只需给我85%的你