

Alec Benjamin

更新:2023-07-12 09:48
I've got all these demons hiding underneath

Nobody can see them nobody but me and you're the reason
除了我之外 无人知晓 你是我的精神支柱
The only thing that keeps me from diving off the deep end
可以阻止我陷入困境 进退维谷
Because I've got all these demons demons demons hmm
因为我与心魔为伍 拼命挣扎
Well at first I thought I'd have to bear this weight by myself
But when my knees were getting weak and I was in need of help
然而当我双膝颤抖 难以为继时 我真的需要援手
You were there to take away the pain that I felt hmm
你陪伴着我 让我承受的痛苦烟消云散
You're the only one that gave me hope
You're the only one who really knows
I've got all these demons hiding underneath
Nobody can see them nobody but me and you're the reason
除了我之外 无人知晓 你是我的精神支柱
The only thing that keeps me from diving off the deep end
可以阻止我陷入困境 进退维谷
Because I've got all these demons demons demons hmm
因为我与心魔为伍 拼命挣扎
For a moment I thought maybe I was doing alright
恍惚之间 我以为我顺心如意
So I took your love for granted and I left you behind
因此我把你的爱视作理所应当 我对你置之不理
I just didn't understand you were what kept me alive hmm
You forgave me and you gave me hope
你包容我 给予我希望
Still you're the only one who really knows
I've got all these demons hiding underneath
Nobody can see them nobody but me and you're the reason
除了我之外 无人知晓 你是我的精神支柱
The only thing that keeps me from diving off the deep end
可以阻止我陷入困境 进退维谷
Because I've got all these demons demons demons hmm
因为我与心魔为伍 拼命挣扎
It's you you pull me through it on the days when I have doubts
是你 在我满腹疑虑时帮我排忧解难
Even when I turned my back on you you never let me down
即使我对你不理不睬 你永远不会让我失望
And even when I hit the bottom no you didn't let me drown
即使我跌入人生谷底 你也不会坐视不管
No oh
I've got all these demons hiding underneath
Nobody can see them nobody but me and you're the reason
除了我之外 无人知晓 你是我的精神支柱
The only thing that keeps me from diving off the deep end
可以阻止我陷入困境 进退维谷
Because I've got all these demons demons demons hmm
因为我与心魔为伍 拼命挣扎
Because I've got all these demons demons demons hmm
因为我与心魔为伍 拼命挣扎