Devil Doesn\'t Bargain

Devil Doesn\'t Bargain

Alec Benjamin

更新:2023-07-15 01:29
The devil doesn’t bargain
恶魔做事 向来不容商讨
It’s useless don’t do this, it’s hubris to try
你就别再白费力气 再怎么逞能也无济于事
He’s ruthless you knew this I told you, didn’t I?
他冷酷无情 你是清楚的 我也警告过你 对吧
He’s abusive, elusive, the truth is he lies, I know you don’t want to let go
他心狠手辣 谁都猜不透 但他的确撒了谎 尽管你不想就这样结束
And just like before, I can see that you’re sure you can change him, but I know you won’t
你还是像曾经那样满怀信心 但我知道 你最终还是无法改变他本性
The devil doesn’t bargain
恶魔做事 向来不容商讨
He’ll only break your heart again
It isn’t worth it darlin’, he’s never gonna change
亲爱的 这根本不值得 他死性不改
He’ll never be prince charming, he’ll only do you harm again
别幻想他化身白马王子 他对你 有害无益
I don’t mean to meddle, but the devil doesn’t settle, no
我并非想干涉 他不会就此罢休
The devil doesn’t bargain
The devil doesn’t bargain
恶魔做事 向来不容商讨
I’m not one to lecture, talk down to a friend
我不是以说教者的姿态 来教训你的
I don’t mean to pressure, mean to condescend
我不想给你施压 简单来说
But I just want what’s best for you in the end, I know you don’t want to let go
我也希望结局能够如你所愿 我知道这样结束 你不甘心
And just like before, I can see that you’re sure you can change him, but I know you won’t
你还是像曾经那样满怀信心 但我知道 你最终还是无法改变他本性
The devil doesn’t bargain
He’ll only break your heart again
It isn’t worth it darlin’, he’s never gonna change
亲爱的 这根本不值得 他死性不改
He’ll never be prince charming, he’ll only do you harm again
别幻想他化身白马王子 他对你 有害无益
I don’t mean to meddle, but the devil doesn’t settle, no
我并非想干涉 他不会就此罢休
The devil doesn’t bargain
The devil doesn’t bargain
And I know you think he’ll change this time
But I think that you will find
The devil doesn’t bargain
He’ll only break your heart again
It isn’t worth it darlin’, he’s never gonna change
亲爱的 这根本不值得 他死性不改
He’ll never be prince charming, he’ll only do you harm again
别幻想他化身白马王子 他对你 有害无益
I don’t mean to meddle, but the devil doesn’t settle, no
我并非想干涉 他不会就此罢休
The devil doesn’t bargain
The devil doesn’t bargain
The devil doesn’t bargain
The devil doesn’t bargain